Friday, March 08, 2013


It's either anger or stress due to work or a combination of both, but I've been emotionally drained over the past week. Usually, when this happens, I think about being romantically involved with someone. Friends are good, and I love mine dearly, but there is a support there that you get in times like this, I think, that can only come from someone who's that close to you.

Obviously, given the past two months, it's CB who pops into my head first, though that avenue seems to be closed. I talked to GB about it briefly today (it would be more accurate to say that I mentioned a desire to meet CB), but she seemed very reluctant to get into a conversation about CB. That was annoying as GB is out tonight with MFF and CH, so it would have been nice if GB could push this thing a bit more with support from CH. It annoyed me a bit, but I had already made the decision that I was going to do things directly through MFF if the chance arises (until I hear for definite one way or the other about getting an introduction).

As an aside, CH and I had a proper chat during the week and my relationship status was discussed. She mentioned that she wondered why I was single and my reply was that I don't often feel the need to be with someone and that it's rare for me to actually go out on the pull (as it were) and rarer still that I have a desire to settle down or meet someone.

So, still feeling a little sorry for myself, I've put the feelers out to S and GM about heading out tonight for a few drinks. We usually end up having a good laugh and at least getting some eye candy is a temporary respite.

I'm meant to be meeting DSC tomorrow for a catch up and then, tentatively, out with FP for a catch up and drinks. FP's being coy though and won't commit, despite it being his idea.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...