Saturday, January 05, 2013

Plan A.

Last evening, around tea-time, I had an idea about how I can use my Facebook friendship with a co-worker to see if I can move things along with CB. It didn't sit quite right with me, but then when I was considering calling RB at her place of work to ask her on a date, that didn't sit quite right with me either, but both A and AM persuaded me to do it (and RB admitted that she was hugely impressed cos it took a lot of balls, she said).

So, even though it didn't sit quite right with me, I ran it past USHW who seemed to think that it was a workable plan. It's not the best plan - that would have been actually talking to her on New Year's Eve, but it's the best (and probably only) one I have at my disposal at the moment.

USHW did ask why GB didn't go and say something to CB on New Year's Eve. I did wonder that myself... if the situations were reversed, I think I would have gone and said something on my friend's behalf.

So, to put this plan in motion, I want to run it past GB first. While I am Facebook friends with the co-worker in question, GB is much closer. Depending on the feedback from GB, then either myself or GB will communicate with the co-worker.

I need to figure out what it is I want or how I want to achieve it, more accurately. I know the eventual goal, I think, but how do I get there?

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