Tuesday, January 08, 2013

More happy talking.

Conversations recently have been proving very fruitful and rewarding. Today, with KfW2, we once again got onto the subject of the 12 week weight training program that a co-worker of ours had done with fantastic results (see this post). KfW2, I think, has been giving it serious consideration, despite the rather hefty price tag associated with it. I've said before that she used to be quite the gym addict.

I don't think she needs to be that dedicated though. She has admitted herself that it's less losing weight for her, and more about toning the flabby bits. I would agree. She's tall and regardless of what weight she actually is, I think she carries it well. It would seem that we both have a similar attitude in that it's not about what we see when we're on the scales, but rather what we see in the mirror that counts.

While we were on the subject, I mentioned to KfW2 that it wasn't money that would put me off but rather body issues. I've kinda mentioned these before in posts, albeit in a roundabout way, but today I mentioned them outright to KfW2 and even got her to have a feel for herself - because that would cut down on a lot of explanation and questions. When we had a private moment, I answered all her remaining questions about them (well, all the ones she asked anyway) and left it at that.

Maybe the rewarding conversation thing will continue to Thursday when I'm due to meet QC2?

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