Friday, January 04, 2013

It feels likes a post frenzy!

Tonight's meeting with my cousin has been postponed, thank goodness. I need a rest from boozing, and with G out and about this weekend, this will do me some real good and I can start thinking about starting my fitness programme next week.

Also, somewhat out of the blue, I got an email from A today. We're in contact a few times a year, but I wasn't expecting anything for a while, but I thought the timing was interesting, not least because it was a kick up the arse from A a few years ago that prompted me to call RB and get the date, so for A to be in contact a few days after I see a girl I'd really like to meet brought a bit of a smile to my face. Of course I filled her in on the events of NYE, and we had an email chat about that. Given that I over-indulged with KfW2 and CC last night, having a conversation via email with A was much better than doing work.

As well as reporting all of NYE's shenanigans to A, I've also been talking to USHW about CB, who's been super-helpful. My options are limited and it's frustrating because I know who she is and that we have a kinda mutual acquaintance,  I just have to engineer a meeting and an ice-breaker so I can talk to her, otherwise I just have to hope that I randomly bump into her (again).

Phew! It feels like a posting frenzy here - is that at least one post a day for the past week or so? I can't ever remember having so much to post about before.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...