Thursday, January 24, 2013


I think it took a nudge from CH (who I had met for lunch this afternoon), but GB messaged me today and said that she'd been talking to the Mutual Facebook Friend regarding CB. It then transpired that our mutual friend was going to contact CB's sister to see what plan of action they could come up with. I'm at a slight loss here, because the remit with GB was information gathering, but part of me is quite pleased that something might be engineered sooner rather than later. Or rather, things could be decided one way or another sooner rather than later.

I also decided to tell KfW2 the story, and she got all excited, but I'm trying to play it cool and distance myself from it all until something happens.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, MM contacted me via Facebook and asked if I would go on a date with a friend of hers who needs to get back in the game. Well, not a date per se, but a spot of socialising with a single friend of hers (just the two of us I assume). I'm tempted to be fair - it should be fun plus I get my own practice in, just in case. I discussed it with USHW and my plan of attack is to sleep on it, then contact MM tomorrow if I'm still feeling positive about it and confirm that I will do it, but I will try and make MM aware (without saying as much) that I have the CB thing on the horizon and wouldn't mind a spot of practice myself.

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