Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Get out.

We've just been sent an email in work for another social event at the start of October. I like our monthly events - they're good fun. I hope to attend this one. Stalky Guy seems unsure. Quiet Girl is off work this week, but when she comes back next Monday then I'll be asking her if she's going. I won't be asking about her friend who might have said something to me when we were last out, but I'll be interested to see a) if she comes out and b) what she says/does if she does come out.

I've no massive interest in following through with her, but it is flattering to have the attention, and as I think I've said before, she is good fun. A drinking buddy rather than anything else.

So that means that I have something to look forward to every two weeks between now and the start of November. That's not bad given my lack of socialising over the summer months.

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Let's go?

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