Tuesday, August 17, 2021


There are a lot of things happening, right now, that I could do without. Work things, personal things... things. I'm not going to get into them in detail on this blog at the moment. I may revisit them with posts in the future, but I haven't really decided yet.

But I'm stressed. I'm trying to get these things settled in my head but I often struggle when trying to do this with more than one thing at a time. It's at times like this that I feel lonely and the lack of a significant other also weighs on me. But it's also a reminder that I've not had some alone time with KfW2 in years, barring a few quick lunches when we're treating each other for our respective birthdays. It's over four years since I had a night out with KfW2 and longer than that since it wasn't birthday-related.

Similarly with GM, someone else I can talk to, I saw him for the first time in a year and a half at the weekend. Despite having similar outlooks on life, I've often found it hard to pin him down for a chat, though he always claims to enjoy it when we do.

I've also been reading a blog - two friends date each other for forty days. It's years old by this stage (2013), and I'm only halfway through it, so have no idea how it ends, but it reminded me of this post. You know, that stage where you're finding out about this new person in your life and it's exciting and fun and nervy all at the same time. That's only added to the loneliness.

And I'd love to get some work done to my house. I have a list of tasks that would add value to the house, but also make the house more pleasant: new lighting in the hall and stairs, a new kitchen plus a few other things. I can't afford to do them all at once, but I also can't seem to get anyone out to give me a quote for the work, never mind getting several people out so I can choose a quote. While it might not seem obvious, the loneliness aspect plays a part here too: it would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off about the improvements I want to do. As it is, I have some ideas that may be brilliant or may be outrageous. I simply don't know.

Still, a potential walk with Nerdy Girl on Wednesday and a group meeting with FC, Mrs FC, S and GM at the weekend. It's nice to have something to look forward to, despite the stress and the feeling of being over-whelmed.

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