Sunday, August 01, 2021

Travel Company.

For the past few nights, I've been dreaming of travelling. Specifically, dreaming of travelling with someone that I'm involved with romantically or physically. While sex doesn't feature in the dream, nor do I get the impression that I know the person, I seem to recall that they physically resembled CH or KfW2 - brunette, nice figure, shoulder length hair.

With the weather turning bad, travel has been on my mind a little.

It also occurred to me, as I started typing this post, that I'd never actually been on holiday with someone that I was involved with. I've met people while travelling, but I've never sat and planned a trip somewhere foreign with someone.

There was an incident with FA2 where, a few weeks after we'd officially started dating, she told me that she'd put a deposit on two tickets for a cruise for the following year, with her brother and his girlfriend. I suggested that that might be a bit hasty, and while I was willing to go on holiday with her, cruises weren't my thing and planning a year in advance after a few weeks of dating seemed foolish.

D and I, before the days of the internet, planned a road trip across America. We had rough costs, got a route and looked at hotels etc. We reckoned, to make it affordable and to be safe with the driving, we'd need four people. Then D went and invited both Friction Guy and FBS. This was shortly after FBS had told me that she was looking for something more than FwB, so I didn't think that having her along would be a great idea (even if, at the back of my mind, it could mean us sharing a bed on the trip, if you catch my drift).

So, yeah. Travel. Somewhere sunny with cool stuff to do. Where can I go?

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