Sunday, August 29, 2021

Afternoon delight.

A few months into dating FA2, she moved house. It was a process that went on much longer than necessary, but thanks to an understanding seller, she was able to store stuff at the new house (which was vacant) and was given a key to access the house for tradesmen etc.

As the process was approaching an end, she took me around one Sunday afternoon to measure up, get a few ideas together for decorating etc.

We were about to leave, to go to my parents' house for Sunday dinner when she actually jumped on me and we had sex, twice. I had to apologise for being half an hour late when we finally arrived at my parents' place.

Cut to a few weeks later, when all the paperwork had been done, the house was officially FA2's and she was moving in. A few comments from close friends about when we were going to "christen" the house were met with knowing looks between us.

Actually, at that stage, not only had the house been christened, but we'd ticked off a few rooms. The above incident was the master bedroom, but we'd also screwed in the guest bedroom, the utility room and on the stairs.

I don't know why that (rather pleasant) thought popped into my head this afternoon, but it brought a smile to my face.

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