Sunday, August 29, 2021

Oh, go on then.

CC arrived at my door earlier, looking a favour. To be fair, she had asked this morning if I could print some stuff out for her, but I had assumed that she'd phone first or email the stuff across for me to print, then collect it when she had the time. After all, she is on a flight this evening at 7PM and still had to pack.

But, no. She arrived at my door, rang the bell. I didn't answer, having my headphones in, so she had to call.

Thankfully, she didn't hang around too long. Though, despite appearing on my door step in yoga pants and a sports bra, I did fleetingly wonder how she'd look these days in a bikini now that she's taken to exercise etc. I think I said this before, but she looked good back in 2013. She must look better now?

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