Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Jumble (cont'd)

I should add that the post I made earlier is not really a recent thing. I've been unhappy for a long time, it's just being exacerbated by a few things that are happening around me currently.

Self-confidence has always been an issue, alongside my social anxiety and shyness. I have terrible imposter syndrome that's holding me back, professionally. That might be added to/caused by the fact I always seem to have to fight for recognition when it comes easily to Stalky Guy or Brusque Guy. When I applied for a job a few months ago, I pretty much didn't sleep for a week between submitting the application and getting an interview (which I bombed, due to stress and my memory shutting down).

Part of the unhappiness is going through this stuff alone, not being able to chat to someone when I need to and just have some support when trying to make decisions.  

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