Monday, August 30, 2021

That time of year?

I feel a big time funk coming on. I don't know what's causing it - there's no one thing. The nights starting to lose in is definitely one aspect of it. I hate the gloom, I hate the winter.

I was meant to be doing a job application tonight, but the files are stuck on my work laptop and I couldn't download them in order to type everything up this evening. I know that as soon as I do submit the application, I'll need to prep, and the whole prep plus potential interview will really stress me out.

But the thing is, I need to do these applications and interviews. There's a deadline looming that I want to avoid, and to do that I need to apply for jobs.

I also called KfW2 earlier. I feel like we've not actually properly spoken in months. She mentioned me going to visit, I mentioned that I owed her lunch. We didn't actually get to make any arrangements as she had to chase her kids to bed for school tomorrow. I'd love to see her again, have a chat in private. Preferably in a bar where she can't be interrupted.

All of this is getting on top of me - not any one big thing, but lots of small things.

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