Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ups and downs.

Talk about highs and lows. Late afternoon yesterday, I had a couple of QC1-related memories. One was of a conversation we had a few days after I'd had my second date with CAB. It was very last minute - the eve of a trip abroad to visit AM and QC1. QC1 was being inquisitive and asking questions about where I saw it going, which was interesting as I'd only known CAB for about a week.

The second was a night where a bunch of work people were in the same bar as QC1 and her work friends. While my work friends were stood at the bar, I went over to talk to QC1 who is, I may have already explained, a very attractive woman. When I returned, they were asking me questions about her. When I claimed that she was "just a friend", they didn't believe me and we got talking to a few girls who were stood next to us. That's when I dropped my bombshell... I'd met someone new and I was still figuring out where it was going.

"Oh, I love that period of time!" exclaimed one of the girls.

We chatted on. The girl in question was RB, and this was a few weeks after we'd first met (which was only a few days and thirteen years ago, fact fans) but before the doomed first proper date. Obviously, it all fell apart in the end, but the two memories were of the same thing - that first few weeks when you meet someone and you're trying to figure out where it's going, the excitement of meeting someone new etc. It's a feeling I've not had in a long time.

And that, after the pleasant memory of FA2 yesterday morning, led to a somewhat melancholy evening, a feeling of, loneliness.

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