Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Afternoon delight (Part 2).

The memory of christening FA2's new house a few days ago prompted another memory. FA2 and I had travelled to see BW. At this stage, we had officially been dating about a month (and this was probably six weeks before the other incident mentioned a few days ago). 

In typical BW fashion, he was buying a house and had signed the paperwork mere hours before FA2 and I arrived. There were issues - the deal was supposed to have been done weeks earlier.

Instead of spending the entire weekend in the pub and generally having a good time, we spent most of the weekend tailing BW as he did lots of errands for the new house.

He literally had no furniture. FA2 and I slept on the floor, we had to take sleeping bags with us etc. I was surprised there was electricity and hot water.

We went to the pub at night and one night, BW got royally toasted on Saturday. When we arrived back at his place, he fell forward as soon as he entered his house and fell asleep on the living room floor. FA2 and I briefly made sure he was OK then FA2 made a move to go upstairs. I pulled her into BW's conservatory where we had sex. It wasn't the first time we'd had sex that weekend. We christened BW's house the first night we were there, Thursday. By the time we left on Sunday evening, we'd ticked off three rooms: the bathroom, the guest bedroom and the conservatory.

Obviously, we said nothing to BW about it though he had said to me that he was looking forward to getting someone back to his to christen the conservatory. FA2 wasn't present for this conversation - I think she was at the bar at the time.

A few weeks later, BW sent me a message. He'd met someone at a bar and had brought her back to his. His house, and specifically his conservatory, had been christened he claimed. I shared this news with FA2 and she laughed. 

Even though we were still in the honeymoon get-naked-and-fuck-every-opportunity phase of the relationship, I don't think it crossed BW's mind that FA2 and I would have had sex that weekend and, to this day, he thinks he christened his house.

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