Tuesday, October 09, 2018


Years ago, when I worked alongside QC2 and Friction Guy, we were... friends? I have difficulty classifying people, but I guess we were friends. Even so far as to socialise together. We had the same favourite bars and would often, albeit coincidentally, end up having an impromptu work night out as we'd be in the same place with our respective groups of (non-work) friends.

When I left for other opportunities, we stayed in contact, though the nights out with the three of us faded away. I would often meet up with QC2 on her own, while I would see Friction Guy with D, FBS etc.

It's hard to believe, even now, that QC2 and I spent almost an entire year not really talking to each other. We'd even have tea break with Friction Guy and not really communicate.

"I dunno why she's not talking to me," I confided in Friction Guy. "I don't think I've done owt wrong."

"You're reading too much into it" was his reply.

But I wasn't convinced. Eventually, I decided I had done something wrong and went about being friendly, but distant with her.

What I didn't know at the time was that QC2 was having almost exactly the same conversation with Friction Guy that I had been having. Somehow, at the same time, we'd both managed to convince each other that they'd done something to piss us off.

I can't even remember how we got back on track, just that one day, we were talking again and shortly after that, we resumed our "three musketeers" nights out.

Nor do I know why that popped into my head in the middle of a meeting this afternoon. But it did.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...