Monday, October 15, 2018

Shake on it.

I had a long overdue night out with FP last night. I can't remember the last time we were out, but it must be easily at least six weeks ago. We ended up in our usual haunt, when it's just the two of us - the bar where I saw CB.

It wasn't any busier than normal for a Sunday night, but it was notable for the fact that every single girl in the bar was a) blonde and b) very attractive. So much so, that conversation with FP took a while to get going as we were busy admiring the view(s).

And we made a two-way "wager". The Christmas Market in our city opens in about 5 weeks, so we both have 5 weeks to lose 7lb (roughly 3kg) in time for it opening. Whoever doesn't lose the weight owes the other person two drinks of their choice at the market.

FP is already well into his own weight loss routine, having lost over 2 stone over the past year. I'm still trying to motivate myself to get back into Yoga and start eating better. I've also had my eye on a watch/fitness tracker, but at £150, it'll require a little bit of saving.

Looks like I'm getting on the scales tonight.


USHW said...

Must be about five weeks now? So, how did it go? Who owes who?

ruuude said...

Errr... I think we both conceded a draw. Neither of us had hit the agreed target. I'd lost about 3lbs (without too much effort - less drinking and a slight increase in walking), whereas FP was at the weight he was at the point of agreement.

Look and likey.

So, as a big-ish coincidence, guess who popped up in my Tinder feed today? No? Well, given recent posts on Tinder non-matches, it was the We...