Friday, May 31, 2013

Another WTF? moment.

Since she left the country, FA2 and I have had rather sporadic contact. That's her style though - and once we split up and she found a new man, everything changed. She's one of those people who kinda leaves everyone behind once she embarks on a new relationship. She did it when she started dating me, much to my annoyance.

We're still friends on Facebook, but the last time we had any kind of conversation was years ago. I remember telling her about RB as it was around that time, but she appeared to be incredibly disinterested and it felt like she was just ticking boxes rather than interesting in having a proper conversation.

Imagine my surprise when I got not one, but three Facebook messages last night. The two opening messages were friendly and affectionate, the third asking me for a rather large favour.

Now, I had been at my sister's for a barbeque and was quite tipsy, so I never replied, but I spoke to USHW and KfW2 about it. They both agreed that it was not right. I don't know if I will reply or even do the favour she asks, but it's angered me a little bit that she had the gall to even ask. I guess there's also the fact that I'm still annoyed at GB for being a "leecher", so FA2's contact has just re-ignited that.

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