Saturday, May 04, 2013


Yesterday turned out to be a massive anticlimax. I guess part of that was the lack of KfW2 and CH turning up. GB also didn't show up, but if I am being honest, her presence is becoming less important these days.

There are a few GB-related updates to make though. She didn't know that CH was planning on coming out for the social thing. I think she has a bit of a jealous streak in her and my continued growing friendship with CH could turn out to be an issue for her. I mentioned that CH had suggested we arrange a mid-week affair instead which GB shot down immediately, simply because she would be at her diet class the next night. This is typical of GB's selfishness and rather than pander to it, I simply suggested that CH and I would go out alone (we wouldn't really as there are others who would come along).

I then made up a story regarding QC2 so that I could raise the topic of CB again. I've been discussing the CB thing a lot with USHW recently, about getting closure on it and making something happen or simply drawing a line under it and forgetting about it. The official word from GB on the subject wasn't that different from the end of February: MFF messaged CB's sister who was going to see how to move this forward, possibly by speaking to CB herself.

As far as I can tell, MFF did speak to CB's sister, but I am still unsure as to where things stand beyond that. I don't know of CB's sister made any progress herself or if CB has effectively said no to any arranged meeting or progress. It has, however, highlighted again GB's lack of initiative in chasing this up and draws attention to her selfishness. She never mentioned anything, but I would be very surprised if she actually made further inquiries with MFF off the back of Friday afternoon's conversation, despite the topic being very centred around friends and meeting new people.

Sometimes I feel I should just draw a line under this, but part of me is too stubborn to let it go. It's not stopping me from meeting other people or anything, though I've often mentioned in posts here that I rarely meet people that I am really attracted to. However, I can get a bit stubborn when things like this happen, especially if someone is not behaving as I think they should.

I've also messaged QC2 to see if she fancies meeting for a drink.

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