Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A little digest of not a lot.

Out of the blue I got a text from MM today, asking if I wanted to go to a fancy dress party this coming Saturday. I don't particularly like fancy dress parties (I get really self-conscious when I dress up), so tend to avoid them, but the thought of seeing MMBF in some kind of skimpy outfit probably would have persuaded my otherwise... except it's my mum's birthday and we'll inevitably be having a meal. MM asked me to pop in later if the night ended early, and I might do that... without fancy dress of course.

I was also talking to GB today about S's blind date. I didn't particularly want to talk to GB, but CH invited her along when we were grabbing a coffee. MFF also turned up, but she wasn't involved in the blind date conversation sadly, otherwise I might have tried steering the conversation to wards CB. We had a decent chat about the blind date, about S and S's priorities. GB said that she thought that the man should do all the running, but I said that seeing as she was meant to be setting up her friend, it was her friend who had to make first contact, in my opinion. It might have been a pleasant and interesting conversation, but it hasn't stopped me being annoyed at her for being a shit friend though.

Also, UF looks as if he'll be staying on for another few months. I'd much rather he pissed off at the time he said he would, but he's got housing issues that have yet to be solved.

Oh, and as a last piece, I have finally heard back from QC2, so we're hopefully going to meet up sometime next week. I'm looking forward to that already.

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Giveth and taketh.

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