Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Just pondering.

GM and I were talking to GB months ago, the same night that I spotted CB in the pub. I'd made a semi-flippant comment about CB being "definite girlfriend material", despite only seeing her from across the room. GB looked confused, but GM nodded his approval. We then went into a conversation with GB about how a bloke will know within a short period of time, possibly a few seconds, whether a girl he finds attractive is someone worth pursuing for something meaningful or something that's only going to be a bit of fun (i.e. sex).

It's hard to explain exactly how you tell... I guess ultimately it boils down to the type of attraction. It's possible to be attracted to a girl without thinking about sex (or at least, sex isn't the primary thought) but then again, it's possible to be attracted to a girl and it's lust, pure and simple. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how this then pans out. GM pointed out that an ex-girlfriend of his (a stunning redhead) pretty much had to jump his bones because he was interested in dating and was playing it cool. He had that type of attraction to her.

I had a similar thing with FA2 - I was definitely attracted to her, but it was very much for dating (there were extenuating cirumctances with her being a friend of a friend as well), but it wasn't until we had hooked up a few times that I started viewing her as someone I could have sex with. By all accounts, she later admitted to me that she had been chomping at the bit for ages and couldn't figure out why I hadn't made a move. CB is similar - she's an extremely attractive girl, but the interest I have there is to get to know her, not to sleep with her. Similar to Date No. 1 as well (though to a lesser extent) and RB was the complete opposite - I just wanted to have sex with her.

USHW has a theory that it boils down to looks. Her opinion of FA2 (based on pictures I'd shown her) was that she was homely. She says that CB looks like a nice girl. While I don't disagree with USHW's theory, I don't know that I agree with it either. I guess I'd have to show USHW more pictures of females that I've been attracted to in various ways over the years to get her impression of them and see if they fall into my date/fuck attraction. I don't think it ultimately matters whether USHW's theory is true or not though, just the fact that men who are attracted to women know how they would like things to pan out with the woman in question within a short period of time.

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