Friday, August 05, 2022


Over the years, since 2018, I've made several posts regarding my relationship with KfW2 and how our personal relationship seems to suffer (grow more distant) with each professional move that she takes.

I've posted that her career took another step forward/upwards at the start of July, but I can't help but feel that our relationship has suffered again. There were things that might/should have happened in early July that didn't. Some communication that should have happened, but didn't.

Over the past week or so, there are several direct questions to KfW2 via WhatsApp, unanswered. She blames this lack of communication on the diagnosis after her mental break at Christmas. I don't know if I necessarily agree/believe that (this inability to maintain a conversation is a recent thing). But the lack of response is getting me down.

I also think that this current funk might be overblown due to the half hour that we spent on our own, after her leaving party at the end of June, and how it reminded me of our adult nights out that we've not had in years. And how that snatched moment meant so much to me, just KfW2 and me, talking (albeit drunkenly) with no kids and no one else.

I'm reluctant to call her on it or try to address it. Memories of how things with CH fell apart are still fresh in my memory, even though it's years later. Plus, as I said, there are three unanswered questions out there. I'm not going to continue to message her if she's not replying.

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