Sunday, August 28, 2022

Baby sister got back.

Following on from my previous post, about finding ES's Instagram account, it was interesting looking back through what she's been up to. I may have posted in the past that she can be quite like Sports Girl in that she flits from hobby to hobby.

However, as fun as it was looking through her photos, and even seeing pics of E, what prompted me to post was seeing ES's profile picture. A topless picture that was taken from behind. I don't know how recent it is. In it, she has short hair, and I don't think she wears it that way anymore, though it has been years since I last saw her.

But, I think I've posted before about my appreciation of backs and had conversations with A and USHW about it. And I think ES's profile picture is pretty sexy.

(Note: Since the purge, I can't find ES's profile picture any longer, so have a picture of Kiera Knightley instead seeing as there's a bit of a resemblance).

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