Sunday, August 07, 2022

Hot topic.

I suggested to FP and my sis that I'd host something this weekend, but my sister had other plans and FP was going to the coast. So it was a night on my own.

Then FP messaged. He was free after all.

I was in two minds. I'd kinda gotten myself into the mindset of watching a film or doing some gaming, but I am also conscious that I should be doing more socialising and I've noticed that I'm a little more reluctant to go out these days.

However, I eventually decided to have FP over, and we spent a good few hours around the firepit, having a few beers, listening to some music and just talking. It was 4 AM when I got to bed. I was drunker than I realised, which was backed up by the extensive collection of cans on the garden table this morning.

I had some plans for today in terms of some gardening and a few other household chores, but the lack of sleep has absolutely killed any motivation.

It was good to see FP and socialise.

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