Saturday, August 20, 2022


I told KfW2 during our phone call on Thursday that I would be in touch the next day to finalise our plans and see when she would be free. I already had a ballpark idea, but I needed to confirm and this phone call would cement everything.

In the interim, I'd already been in touch to explain two things: our preferred restaurant had zero availability, and other restaurants were running out of the time slot that would have suited us best. KfW2 was typically non-committal. She's not a decision maker when it comes to things like this. After browsing Google for an hour or so, I found a decent steak restaurant with availability at 8 PM, right at the end of our window, but doable.

As promised, I sent a message at lunchtime, asking for the final details. It was 3 PM by the time she replied. There was a change of plans. Previously she was having a drink or two, but keeping it civil. Now? Now she was driving. In itself, not a biggie, but seeing as our timetable had me factoring in an hour or so in a pub before eating, this was going to be more awkward if she was driving.

I explained this to her.

"8 PM? That's a bit late!"

I bit my tongue, but I was instantly angry at this point. This all stemmed from her inability to return a phone call, giving us limited options for dining.

"There was nothing else available at a better time. I can cancel if you want, but I've no idea where to go."

"We could drive to my local. Hubby can drive you back?"

"It's your birthday, it's entirely up to you."

"No, it's both." I assume she meant a joint birthday celebration seeing as we've not celebrated each other's birthday in two years. Did this mean that her long-promised plan to take me out for a fun event was no longer going to happen? And then the big bombshell.

"Did I tell you that CC wants to come?"

"No. You didn't." was my terse reply. And KfW2 went quiet. 

Was she trying to get through to her local restaurant? Or maybe they had no last-minute availability and she was afraid to call me and tell me we'd have to cancel? The CC thing was annoying. I've spoken with KfW2 before about CC inviting herself along to stuff. I was pissed with KfW2 for not saying "no" to CC.

CC phoned at 4:30 PM. 

"Yo, what's the score?"

"I don't know. I had something booked. KfW2's decided that it's too late, but I've no idea where to go. She's suggested her local and I think she's trying to book, but I've not heard from her since 3 PM"

CC launched into a list of places to go. My energy has been depleted. My anger was full-on.

"I'm really not in the mood to make any further decisions," I advised CC.

"I'm texting KfW2," said CC and then ended the call. Seconds later, KfW2 messaged.

"Local is booked. I'll pick you up."

No information. What time was the booking? What time was she picking me up? None of this was in the text message.

KfW2 eventually arrived at about 6:15. We made a little small talk, I showed her the progress I'd made in the back garden, and we hit the road. It's about half an hour to KfW2's house from mine.

We were only on the road a few minutes before KfW2 noticed.

"You're quiet," she observed.

"Yeah, I have a massive headache." This was true. It was probably a stress headache or something, but it had been brewing all afternoon since KfW2 threw a spanner in the works with her issues with times and CC.

"You didn't have to come out"

"When was the last time we had a night out, just the two of us?" I asked. The rest was left unsaid. Even with the changing plans and CC tagging along, I wasn't missing this.

"Yeah... I know."

I looked at her. I could see that she knew we'd not been out in a long time, but I don't think it's registered with her exactly how long it's been. Definitely four years, it's over five since the last time I can actually remember and longer than that if we're talking about a purely social night rather than doing something for our respective birthdays.

There was more hanging around at her house while she rushed in to drop off her work equipment. I chatted outside with her husband. It was after 7:15 when we arrived at the local restaurant. CC was already there, having been updated by KfW2. This was no surprise. KfW2 had admitted as such on the drive down.

And the rest of the night went as I expected. CC dominated the conversation. I was too tired to properly get involved, and anyway, they were talking about people I don't know. KfW2 would question me occasionally, knowing that there was a reason I was being quiet, even if she didn't know what that reason was. Being quiet is what I do when I'm not in my best mood, whatever mood that might be. CC was driving the one upside to her attendance was a lift home. It was just before 11 PM when we dropped KfW2 home. 

At this stage, I'm struggling to figure out why the original plans were changed. Had I met KfW2 coming out of her work, gone to a bar for a couple of hours, chatted, and then hit the restaurant at 8 PM, then she would have been home long before 11 PM. The only real grey area was the two hours between meeting KfW2 and the restaurant, as I mentioned above.

I had assumed that KfW2 might be in touch this morning, but there's been nothing so far.

I'm just mentally tired, emotionally I'm all over the place and I'm really unhappy. The unhappiness is not solely because of trying to deal with KfW2 this week, but it might be the straw that broke the camel's back. It's more general than that and there's probably work stuff going on in there, too. Plus, everything that went "wrong" was due to KfW2 taking her time replying - not getting our preferred restaurant, not getting any bookings in our time slot and CC inviting herself. None of this would have been an issue had KfW2 been more timely in her contact.

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