Sunday, January 27, 2019


Another barely remembered dream last night. I can't even remember any real details, only a vague feeling that it was about a breakdown in my relationship with my sister.

I think my relationship with my sister has changed reasonably recently - from her perspective that is, not mine. Until the start of last year, we (my parents and I) would be invited up to her's for Sunday dinner almost every week. Just after Xmas 2017 though, the invites stopped coming as regularly... and when they did they'd often be after 4 PM rather than early afternoon, meaning I'd already started my own meal preparation and would decline.

From conversations with both my sister and family, it appears that this only applies to me - my parents' invites are still as regular as they ever were.

I can't say why this has happened. When we do see each other, there's nothing really to suggest anything has changed, but the invites are more infrequent and I do have this gut feeling that I'm missing something.

There was something that happened early last year that disappointed me - a traumatic event in my life that affected us all, but neither my Dad nor my sister ever enquired about how I was doing, either at the time or subsequently. That's always bothered me a little, I think.

I've been off-kilter all weekend for various reasons, so the aftermath of the dream has only added to my general funk - a combination of loneliness, disappointment, sadness and other emotions.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...