Sunday, January 13, 2019


Facebook has reminded me that today is the 6th anniversary of the night I went to GB and GM's apartment to talk about the realisation/discovery that CB was a friend of MFF.

I still think about CB sometimes, but I rarely think about how or why nothing ever seemed to come of GB talking to MFF, even though it bothered me at the time.

Had I misread it? Had I made assumptions? Or had I not been clear in what I had hoped would happen?

If I remember correctly, GB did talk to MFF who said that CB was single and lovely, but I had hoped that  something more might have come from that - an opportunity to meet or something.

It never did, obviously.

I've always been reluctant to ask for help in meeting people and sitting with GM and GB was well out of my comfort zone which, I think, increased my disappointment in GB at the time and the general lack of, well, anything.

Like most people (I presume), I hate ambiguity, so the lack of a definitive outcome via GB was the worst possible ending as far as I was concerned.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...