Tuesday, January 08, 2019

FFS! (Blah blah blah)

I play some online games with other people from across the UK. Mostly, it's fun, but there are times where my anger gets the better of me. Perhaps surprisingly, this doesn't happen when I get beaten/shot or do something stupid. That's is all part of the game.

The stuff that gets me really angry is the same stuff that gets me angry in real life - communication. There are a few things that happen that really grind my gears:

  • Unnecessary chat about non-game stuff
  • Incessant talking without listening
  • Not being clear with your communication
  • Talking over the top of others
Communication in the game is important, so when people have general chats that go on too long, that makes me angry. I'm as guilty about this as myself, but usually I'm the only one who gets annoyed by it, so if I am joining in, no-one else is annoyed. I shouldn't do it though and mostly I am good at only speaking when I need to share game-related information.

There are a few guys who, like the first point above, feel the need to fill any silences with absolute nonsense. None of us are in our teens, so there's no need to try and act Jack the Lad. I've never been a big talker and people do chat more than me aren't necessarily scowled at, but some people do deserve it. Remember NSU? She was one of those types. There are a few guys who play the games who do play that I try to avoid for this exact reason.

Dickhead: "Blah blah blah"
Ruuude: "FFS keep quiet, there's someone here."
Dickhead: "Blah blah blah"

And perhaps the core point of this post is that the people who fall into the categories above are the ones who are the poorest communicators.

Dickhead: "I'm taking fire!"
Ruuude: "From where?"
Dickhead: "Over there!"
Ruuude: "Where the fuck is 'over there'"?
Dickhead: "Just there, where I'm facing"
Ruuude: "I'm in another building, for fuck sake, I can't see where you're facing. Either ping it or mark it on the map"
Dickhead: "Look, they're just over there."
Ruuude: "I've no idea where you mean. Distance?"
Dickhead: "Don't know"
Ruuude: "You fucking useless knob"

And that is not dissimilar to a conversation I had with a so-called team-mate earlier. And this wasn't the first. I've grown to actually hate his drawled at sharing information. He's also one of those people who is never wrong. Even when they're 100% in the wrong, there's always something that, in their head, make them right. (As an aside, KfW2 is like this.) So when I went into a neighbouring building and got shot by the people he was so poorly trying to point out to his team-mates, and I swore loudly at him...

Dickhead: "But I told you they were in there"
Ruuude: "No, you said there were people. And they were shooting at you. At no point did you explain in any kind of detail where they might be."

And the last point, while not as anger-inducing as the previous one, is also something that bothers me in real life. Is there something really so important that you have to say that you can't even let me finish my sentence? In gaming terms, there sometimes might be, and that's fine. But to pipe up when I'm sharing tactical information with my team to ask if someone needs a spare gun or health packs is anger-inducing. I've walked out of meetings in real life because this happened and I was so angry I had to get out before I did something unprofessional.

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