Tuesday, October 31, 2017


I've complained this year about a manager who is responsible for me. Things are going to come to a head once he gives me my performance review score. But it's not just me. KfW2 confided in me today that her current project is having a massive effect on her stress levels and her home life.

As she was telling me this in a phone call while I was at the office, I didn't get a chance to question her further. Home life? I know the project is a mess, partly in thanks to our boss who, in my opinion, is poor at his job. But it's not like the project is going badly... it could just go a lot smoother, be more efficient, be showing more results, if people who were paid to make decisions actually made decisions.

I don't want to write off KfW2's concerns. I know that in the recent past that she's had to address some mental health issues, and I suspect that this is at the back of her mind.

But I think she's worried that someone might think she's not doing her job (she is), and that stress is causing more stress.

KfW2 does seem to let things that MIGHT happen bother her more than they should.

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