Sunday, October 01, 2017


I messaged CH on Facebook to enquire about what I thought were a few cryptic messages, possibly with some hidden meaning. She replied and we began a conversation about life in general. It moved onto  our respective work lives. CH's career is going well and she's due for another promotion. But she wasn't doing badly in her previous place - often being very well recognised for a job well done at performance reviews. I mentioned that I was kinda unhappy with my lot. Not the actual work or the people I work with who sit beside me, but the recognition coming from my manager and the knock on effect that would have with bonuses and pay rises. And that was it. The conversation stopped.

It was asked why I used to put so much into getting CH out socially, and that's it. CH can talk for hours on all matter of topics when she's sitting across a table, but if you're trying to converse remotely via whichever method, then it dries up once it moves beyond small talk.

For all her posturing a few years ago about how much she trusted my judgement and advice, it's a real shame she never really reciprocated. She might have stopped speaking to me because of my criticism of her, but none of it was inaccurate and is true to this day, yesterday being further evidence of that.

For the record, the cryptic messages were explained as nothing but reminiscing about good times as she looked through her Facebook history. If it were me, I'd be trying to recreate those good times, if they really mean that much to her.

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