Monday, October 30, 2017


All day yesterday and most of today, I was in a weird mood. Not bad weird, but good weird... or possible just weird weird.

I was in great form that had more than a sense of excitement about it. Like the anticipation of a good night out, going on a date, going to a gig etc. But I didn't have anything to be excited about.

Nor was I coasting off the back of anything exciting. A work night out turned out to be a very middling "OK". The night out with FC, GM etc. was successfully avoided (which isn't hard to do when Whatsapp chat doesn't start until 5PM). Only Mrs FC said anything - she messaged me separately later in the evening to ensure I was OK.

And general things were poor - a suggestion to the same Whatsapp group about a trip to the cinema yielding one reply - a negative one from Mrs FC. GM, S and SG couldn't even muster a "no thanks". A similar text message to M has yet to result in any kind of reply as well.

So the excitement/good mood was borne of nothing, but lasted all yesterday and most of today. I've nothing, socially speaking, on the horizon for at least a few weeks.

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