Thursday, October 26, 2017

Ouch, my feet.

My feet are killing me. It's my own fault. Due to some bizarre idea by our charities committee, we were due to do a sponsored walk type thing today.

And, to be fair, we did it. But I'd forgotten all about it this morning and arrived in work in my usual footwear - a pair of Adidas Sambas.

But, not wanting to let anyone down, off I went at the appointed hour. It's not that it was meant to be far - roughly 3 miles - and I can usually do that in my sleep, regardless of footwear.

But nearly immediately upon my arrival back at the office, one of my co-workers wanted a chat and, as it was lunchtime, off we went for another walk, to ensure privacy away from office ears.

And that turned out to be another couple of miles. Again, no real surprised as I do that most lunchtimes with no issues.

However, doing both together for a rough total of 5.5 miles in the Sambas has not done my feet any favours.

It did mean burning roughly 700 calories though... and I'll probably sleep well tonight to boot. Pun not intended.

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