Friday, October 27, 2017


I needed more caffeine. That's how this day is going so far. Off I trundled to my local coffee shop for my second coffee of the day (you do not want to know how many shots of espresso that equates to).

Who was ahead of me in the queue? Quiet Girl! She was with some work colleagues. And... she seemed to be quite chatty with her colleagues. My presumption that she was quiet stems from no eye contact or recognition despite our paths crossing a few times, but she has always seemed quiet and timid to me. Anyone who knows the people where I live and work will know that this is an anomaly - we only need the vaguest interaction to be on at least nodding terms.

But, once again, no eye contact, though as her attention was taken by her colleagues, that's less of a surprise this time round.

What was this, though? Was that a glance backwards towards me as she left the shop?

Seeing Quiet Girl, and "paying attention" to her reminded me of a recent chat I'd had regarding preferences in physical traits. I'm not specifically a fan of breasts, ass, legs etc. Despite my admiration, for example, of CH's ample rack, I'm not instantly attracted to a girl simply because there are big tits on show. I like a figure that is in proportion. QG is slim, but still has a figure.

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Giveth and taketh.

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