Wednesday, January 01, 2014

The first post of the year... definitely.

It was near 10PM by the time S text me to let me know which bar they'd eventually chosen. At that stage, I was having a text conversation with CH and tell her that I was settling for the fact I was going to have to stay in.

Overall, I accomplished my goal - I didn't stay in alone on NYE, but that's pretty much all you could say bearing in mind the chasing I've done over the past 2 weeks. Also, I wouldn't say that I had a bad night... but I didn't have a good night either. The bar was OK, a little lacking in atmosphere and available single women, but the music was good. There only were two women who took my fancy - one was a friend of GM's - and I am clearly not her type and the other was a friend of a friend of S's, who also didn't appear interested. Both women were similar looking - vaguely similar to Elizabeth Mitchell.

The text conversation with CH continued all night, in fits and starts. I mentioned her promise about finding me a woman before the end of 2013. She said that she wasn't out often enough to do it, so I'm inferring from that comment that I have to tell her if I see any cute women in the bar if we're out rather than her having any cute, single friends. If that's the case, I don't see why she couldn't have pushed the CB thing forward when she asked who I was interested in/my type, after all, CH and MFF are close friends.

She also sent out a generic "2013 was great for all of us and let's hope 2014 is better" to which I replied that it wasn't. So we kinda had a brief chat about that and she seemed genuinely concerned by my year - or as much as you can be in 160 characters.

Once the end of the night came, I just went home and left S and his crowd hunting down a taxi... I just wasn't in the mood to continue really, so I was tucked up in bed, alone, by around 2AM.

The New Year, in terms of goals, resolutions etc. doesn't start for me until Monday. I have social engagements still to complete with KfW2 and G, so eating healthier, cutting out the booze and all the standard New Year stuff has to wait.

I'll take stock over the weekend and sort out my goals and aspirations then.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...