Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Goals.

It's slightly later than usual, but I have some goals that I want to achieve or start this year. This year feels different somehow, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

The major goal, which might not be completed this year, but will be started, is buying a place of my own. At some point over the next few weeks, I will sit down, examine my financial situation and plot my course of action. There's an outside chance that I could pull everything together this year,  but the reality is that it will probably be 2015. I will need to put together a savings plan, syphon off money into a savings account and start thinking about having less disposable income, but a place of my own.

The fitness thing will raise its head again - I need to do something, but I still seem to be increasingly injury prone, so much so that the last time I went to the gym (a few months ago), I had to step off the treadmill after 100m (simulated) with yet another injury. So, my plan is to try some stretching - I've found a yoga programme that seems to be a hybrid of Yoga, Traditional Fitness, Sports Therapy and Dynamic Resistance. That should mean I can do stuff, right here without annoying the neighbours by jumping up and down. Then I should be able to get back into proper sport to keep fit rather then the gym, which I don't particularly like.

The third thing, which is kinda underway, ties into a secondary goal that I've had for a few years, on and off: to meet someone. This time, that isn't the goal directly, but the goal is to become comfortable talking to people I don't know whether they be platonic strangers or potential pickups (though the latter is by far a bigger problem). As I said above, that's sort of under-way with KfW2's help at the moment, though I need to talk to her to adjust the focus.

And that's about it, really. I don't even have any secondary goals this year. If I can address those three above, and the first two aren't that difficult, just willpower needed, then I will have accomplished what I set out to do.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...