Tuesday, January 04, 2011

An interesting twist.

Chatting to DSC on MSN today and she said that she was going to write me a profile for a dating website. I laughed, of course, and said that I'd be interested to see what she'd say about me, but I was expecting the next reply, which was that she was going to create an account on a dating website and upload this profile.

"Give me a week," she said, "and you won't know what hit you"

I have to say that I as intrigued, but apprehensive. Let's just say our taste in women is markedly different. DSC accuses me of trying to punch above my weight, of only being attracted to stunning looking women. The women DSC points out as potential dates are rarely women I find physically attractive, but looks are way down DSC's list of important things to consider in a potential date whereas I think they're one of the most important things.

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