Saturday, January 01, 2011

2011 goals.

With 2011 now underway, I guess it’s time to look forward and plan what I want to do this year. 2010 was generally positive – moving job was a main goal and that was achieved, albeit with a bit of help from others. There were a few dalliances with some females including Date No.1 and Near Miss, but I want something more.

The main goal is to get back to fitness. A serious leg injury, while healed, is still causing some pain and I need to get this sorted before I can get back to playing football and keeping fit. As an aside, I want to lose weight, so this new fitness along with a new diet plan (eating more healthily and more intelligently as opposed to a “proper” diet per se) should help this goal, which is not intended to be a quick fix.

There’s also the issue of the house and moving out and preferably ASAP. When the house mate returns from his trip home, I’ll be suggesting we start looking to move immediately... however with a month’s notice to be given, realistically we won’t be moving before the end of February.

Those are my only real goals for this year. There are other little ideas floating around in my head that I’d like to achieve, but nothing serious enough where I want to sit down and plan or indeed anything that I can plan for and achieve – some travelling, finding more fun stuff to do, finish my professional exams, doing some dating with a view to meeting someone. Some of these I can actually do and tick off a list, but something like dating is something that is out of my control.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...