Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Humbug? Bah!

I guess it's about time I posted about how much I dislike Christmas. I've always disliked it, bar a few short years with my sister's kids getting all excited but they're beyond the Santa years now.

I've always felt lonely at Christmas. Bar my relationship with FA2 that covered a few Christmases (even though she was away for them for family) and my brief physical thing with FBS, I've never been with anyone at this time of year.

Within the past few years, though, I've started getting anxious about it as well on top of the loneliness. Anxious about getting the right present and making sure I've got everything bought on time.

Recent events have sucked out my remaining energy for this year. The couple of social events that I've done have given me a distraction, which has helped and seeing KfW2 and sharing this part of my life have been a huge help.

And yet, you still can't tell people that you don't like Christmas. I recently shared with some co-workers that I didn't like Christmas and was met with the usual accusations of being a Grinch. I stopped short of going off on a rant, but I think that I managed to explain to them how making those comments to anyone was not helpful.

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