Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Gone missing.

Supposedly, I'm meant to be meeting KfW2 this weekend. I've asked her for a day, and she's suggested Sunday. That totally works for me as I am on annual leave on Monday, so if it gets rowdy, I have a recovery day in place.

However, S is out this weekend. The Crowd were invited months ago, but nothing's been said since. His great unrequited love is over visiting (I can't remember if I've posted about that before), which is always a good night out.

And I do want to see The Crowd again, but if the choice is going out on Saturday or getting KfW2 out on Sunday, then Sunday wins every time, but more so this weekend with my Real Life stuff going on. Plus I want to let KfW2 know what's going on.

But the last answer I got from KfW2 was Thursday last week when she suggested Sunday. I've messaged and called with no reply. This is all reminiscent of what happened in August last year when she went quiet and then didn't like all the decisions that I'd made without her input.

Part of me is being negative and thinking she's double-booked herself or something and doesn't want to say though part of me knows she's busy at this time of year as her husband works in retail and works long days, so she's incredibly busy. Plus she does that bloody Elf on a Shelf that must eat up hours of time.

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