Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Under (Part 2)

I was intrigued by the memory/dream of K and her boxers from a few days ago, so I dipped into my old MSN archive to see if I could pin down the timeline. I wasn't that hopeful as I only started logging my conversations in April 2004, and that would have been after K and I had sex. If my memory is correct (and that's not a given these days), K and I had sex in August 2003 and the meet-up with online hobbyists would have been in February 2004. Between those two incidents, our friendship definitely cooled and while we were still chatting via MSN, it was mostly hobby talk (once the whole just-something-physical tactics were clearly not paying dividends).

However, in a rather surprising turn, it does appear that the conversation happened a lot later than I had originally remembered. According to my logs, she asked about my underwear at the end of April 2004 (ostensibly for sleeping in) and then messaged me a few days later telling me a) how comfortable they were and b) how great her ass looked in them.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...