Monday, January 16, 2023

Things that make you go "hmmm".

CC called me yesterday. That's the first we've spoken in months. I can't say that this realisation bothered me. I still have issues calling CC a genuine friend, despite our going to dinners together. There's just not that closeness plus CC's selfishness and ability to declare herself "bored" if she feels a topic is taking too long to cover. I feel it's difficult to warm to her enough to form that bond.

Regardless... one of the things she did mention was that she and KfW2 are doing a city break together within the next six weeks. Somewhere European. Maybe Paris, maybe Barcelona.

So then, I got paranoid and wondered if that was why KfW2, out of the blue, had started talking about the long-promised night out from 18 months ago.

Saying that, it still feels like a stretch that KfW2 would give up an entire weekend to go off with CC when I can barely get to her to meet for a drink, but I think I would be pretty insulted, and a little bit jealous, if that were the case and the weekend away did happen.

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