Wednesday, July 10, 2019


When I awoke this morning, a few minutes before KfW2 called, I had a recollection of a dream about CH. A sexy dream, too.

In it, we started in one of our nights out, with the surreptitious touching, kissing etc. that moved on to talking about sex (she was very forthright in real life as well about her sex life, or rather, I know she got plenty) and finished with us having sex many times. The first time, I chastised her for not living up to her claims of being great at sex, then afterwards she rode me energetically, semi-aggressively and in many positions to prove that she was.

Suffice to say that CH has been on my mind A LOT today, and not in a "I wish we were still in touch" kinda way... in a "last night's dream" kinda way.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...