Wednesday, July 24, 2019


KfW2 took me out for lunch today. It's a few weeks later than we had originally planned, but it's our thing to treat each other every now and again. It felt a little flat today though. KfW2 picked up on it, asking me why I was quiet, but I didn't really have any answer for her.

It's been well over two years since we last had an adult day out, and even then we were only out because it was her birthday. So I'm struggling to remember when we last had a night out that wasn't a celebration. She's already voiced guilt about asking me to babysit when she knows I've been trying to get her out, socially. So when she admitted that she's heading out tonight and, in just over a week's time, is heading to a posh hotel for a spa day, it didn't sit well with me.

Additionally, she was telling me about some recent praise she got in work. I'm really pleased for her, but at the same time, and I don't mind admitting this, I was jealous. I work in a team where the standards are exceedingly high, so it's rare that any kind of praise is forthcoming, even with delivering a consistently high standard of work.

However, neither of these are reasons for it feeling flat today. I just can't put my finger on why.

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