Friday, July 19, 2019

A nod and a wink.

"How's your online dating going?" asked CC over coffee.

"My... what? How'd you know I was doing that?"

"Saw you on Tinder."

"I hope you swiped right... I'm a prime catch"

She laughed, but never confirmed or denied that she had done any such thing. (She hasn't, by the way. I would have gotten a notification that someone had "liked" me had she done so.) And it's not like anything would happen. Even if she offered herself on a plate when we were both drunk and alone, I'm unlikely to take her up on her offer.

She started talking about how many people from work she had seen on Tinder. "Loads" was her comment, but she refused to name names.

I can only recall seeing three people from work in my entire time of Tinder-ing (so years, on and off): GB, CC and one of CH's friends who was/is married. I had seen another girl on years ago, but I've not been active on that for years.

I did see one of the semi-celebrities pop up again. USHW had described her as a "blonde Emma Willis" which isn't a bad shout - it's all in the eyes, and she has piercing blue ones. She's always extremely pretty and every time she refreshes her account, there's another set of great photos on display. Of course I swiped right, but I've not matched with her so far, it's unlikely I'm going to do so again unless she's running out of men to date.

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