Sunday, July 21, 2019

Game over, man.

Years ago, I developed a love affair with a film. It was completely unexpected. My parents were due to go out for the evening, and I rented a couple of films to watch with a friend. He chose one, I chose another.

The film he chose wasn't my cup of tea. In fact, I wasn't even looking forward to watching it.

That film was "Aliens". My friends had long been fans of the original Alien, but I'd not been one for gore or horror/scary films, so it passed me by. The sequel, while being more action-orientated, was avoided due to the original.

Still... Mike didn't show up, my parents went out and I started watching it. Two hours later and I was astounded. Pretty much everything about the film was perfect to me and from that day on, I've consumed as much Alien media as I possibly could - the Dark Horse comics, the films, computer games, novelisations, the Aliens soundtrack by James Horner as well as all the behind the scenes stuff that I could get. I've watched all of the Aliens films, multiple times.

Few things have ever grabbed me in the complete, immediate way Aliens grabbed me - maybe some music, a couple of girls... but I'm struggling to think of much more than that.

As I was surfing YouTube last night, I came across this documentary about the making of Aliens, so rather than watch it online, I went downstairs and watched it on BluRay... all three hours of it.

And later, I think I'll sit down and watch the Director's Cut of Aliens.

It's the only way to be sure.

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