Thursday, November 23, 2017

Well, well, well.

At the risk of this blog turning into the KfW2 fan club, I still felt that I had to post this rather dramatic turnaround in attitude.

Since I moved into my current place, without flatmates (useless or otherwise), I have slowly been doing odd jobs here and there. My goal was to turn my house into somewhere that people could, and would, drop into.

Somewhere for me to live, but somewhere always open to guests.

It's taking longer than I would like mainly due to using all of my savings on the deposit, rather than buying somewhere cheaper and using savings for any required work.

I do, at least, have a spare, furnished bedroom. As yet, no-one has stayed over.

I have offered to KfW2 (amongst others) multiple times, but KfW2 was always appreciative of the offer, but concerned, I think about what others might think - married woman in single man's house.

Until today.

When she was talking to a friend of hers about an upcoming Xmas night out, she referenced a social thing that we had discussed but not finalised.

"I could even stay over at yours afterwards," she said.


I wanted to delve into this in more detail, but I thought it wasn't the time nor place to do so, especially with the company, so I left it.

On the way home, I did bring it up. Or more accurately, I said "That offer for kipping in the spare room is always open if you need it" and then I moved on to the topic of trying to nail down something for our own social thing.

That's still a work in progress, though.

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