Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I had a stunningly attractive, naked woman in my bedroom earlier.

And that's where the excitement stops - I neither saw nor laid hands on the person in question. It was KfW2, who somewhat bizarrely asked if she could shower at mine as she was leaving work. I reckoned that it had something to do with the overnight bag that I saw in KfW2's car this morning and had been wondering about.

I, of course, said that she could.

Another friend of hers is visiting for work, at a conference at a hotel not far from where I live. There was a spare room going this evening and KfW2's friend suggested that she use the room, and they could do dinner and drinks.

KfW2 was undecided and had pondered this all day before making a decision, hence the overnight bag and desire to shower.

When she was finally ready and came down, she was genuinely concerned that she didn't look right.

She was, as always, stunning. Simple white top, black skinny jeans, flesh coloured heels.

"You're very pretty," I tried to reassure her.

"Are you sure I look OK?"

"Yes, you look great!"

It's not like I was lying or anything.

She was about to leave, when I reminded her about her footwear. She'd forgotten her work shoes. Then she insisted on drinking a cup of tea I'd poured, even though, by her own admission, she was late.

"Just go," I commanded. And, surprisingly, she complied.

"I didn't even have time to take the tag off my new top!"

"I'll do it. I have scissors right here."

So, I spent a few seconds rummaging inside KfW2's top, trying to find the tag that was somewhere near her neck, before locating it and snipping off the plastic. The other bit fell inside her top, down her back.

"You can find that other end by yourself"

And she left. And those feelings that were stirred earlier, are stirred a little more.

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