Just before I went on holiday with KfW2 last year, I asked DSC to do me a favour and help me go clothes shopping, only for her to throw a tantrum simply because I asked her to come an hour later than she had originally suggested.
I wouldn't say that I ended our friendship on the basis of this one incident, but I did make a conscious decision not to make first contact once I came back from my holiday.
So, unsurprisingly, I never heard from her again.
Until last night. 54 weeks after our last contact.
It simply said "I miss you".
It's a text message I'd love to get from a romantic partner, but I don't know whether to even bother with DSC any more. It's not anger or anything, just apathy and a desire not to get involved with any of her drama/mood swings.
I've not replied as yet. I don't know if I even will.
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