Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bleurgh! (Part 2)

Following on from this post, the departmental reshuffle started today and I was quite relieved to hear that other members of my team were also feeling the morale drop. There were several comments made that were similar to what I posted yesterday about morale dropping, lack of recognition and even one or two whispers that we're being singled out for some reason.

It certainly did seem that we are very much the losers in this reshuffle and that we're not being listened to by our immediate management team.

Ultimately, none of this is THAT serious (in my life, certainly way down the list compared to, say, my funks), but it's something I feel is quite important and should be easy to deal with. Making decisions based on logic and having your manager back you up are two of the most important parts of being a people manager IMO and are easy ways of keeping your team's morale high.

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