Saturday, July 12, 2014


The big planned night out turned out to be a huge success. Pretty much everyone turned up who said they would and anyone who didn't had already said that they wouldn't, with the exception of JB, but she was an outside bet.

While I really enjoyed the night and had a great time, part of me was expecting something more. Something more than simply sitting round a table and chatting with a dozen or so friends... I did want to sit down with GM and S and talk about getting out to meet people - the pub, dating nights or whatever - but that never happened. I had a gut feeling that something unexpected was going to happen, that my stars were going to align and I'd meet someone, a potential girlfriend, a one night stand, a fuck buddy, a new friend, just someone, but that never panned out either.

I ended up being very drunk, in a good way, and managed to leave the pub and stagger home (stagger being the operative word).

I'm glad I got everyone out. I really needed it, I think. The ongoing funk that I talk about in this post is still an issue (hence wanting to talk to GM) and especially the meeting someone angle. Reading other blogs, especially some dating blogs just makes me angry - my experiences with online dating, while comparable to KfW2's husband and GM as well, are not those of the bloggers I've been reading. Even Tinder is not showing me ANY matches

CH asked recently if I had given up on online dating, or specifically, had I closed my accounts. I did confirm and say to CH that I was disappointed that no-one seems to realise how my online dating experiences at the start of the year had effected me, how down I was about it.

It's the same old story... I do need to sit down and chat to someone - preferably GM or KfW2, but CH would work too.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...