Sunday, July 06, 2014


It's funny. 6:29 on a digital clock (or, rather, my bedside clock) reads the same upside down as it does the right way up.

That was the first thought that went through my head this morning when I opened my eyes.

Awake at half-past six when I only got to bed around 2AM. This lack of sleep thing is really starting to get to me. As I've already explained/admitted to KfW2, I've been really irritable over the past month or so and this was evident again last night.

S invited me out to watch the World Cup with a friend of his. This friend, a guy  I know and like, invited some of his co-workers. I knew instantly, when we were introduced, that I probably wouldn't like him (which is quite unlike me) and this proved to be the case.

I hunted out somewhere with a good view of one of the many TVs in the bar, only for him to walk past us and try and blag seats at a table because he insisted on sitting. We had been sitting there less than ten minutes when he decided again to move to the adjacent, and now vacant table. I refused to move - the seats that S and I had were excellent and moving would have meant a poorer view of the TV. All the while he was, in my opinion, showing off, about the fact he was a known regular in the bar and with each passing arbitrary decision he made, I got more annoyed.

Afterwards, we went to get something to eat and play some pool. Only S and myself were eating, so I ordered food while the others played. A few minutes before the food was due to arrive, he made another arbitrary decision to move to a different pool table. He spared no thought to S or myself needing somewhere to eat food... he just wanted to move to a table where the sun wasn't shining.

That was the final straw. I told S when our food had arrived that I would finish it and go home. I was fed up with this man's constant arbitrary decision making without canvassing the rest of us and his showing off (when I was ordering food, he described everything on the menu, not by taste which might have been useful, but how it was presented).

I was home by 9PM with a couple of beers and chilled out by myself, watching the World Cup.

That type of thing annoys me at the best of times - personally speaking, I try to get everyone involved in decision making, so when other people spare no thought for the group, then that grinds my gears. However, my recent lack of sleep and short temper meant I was unable to look past that and have a good night, so rather than stay and get angry (or angrier), I simply left.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...